Harmony Homestead Dispatch #10

The view from my tent.

I had such an awesome time in Vermont this summer that I just had to go back for a couple weeks in September. (The original plan was to move up there, but now I've re-caught the travel bug, so it's on the back burner for now.)The summer was definitely over and all my dear WWOOFers had gone, so the mood on the farm wasn't festive like it had been, but it was wonderful to be back with Gail and Paul and of course I made new friends--especially Hank, who could always be relied upon for interesting philosophical conversation and who brought me pie when I was having a bad day. Harmony Homestead attracts such kind and thoughtful people because that's just the sort of people Paul and Gail are.

I spent more time with the animals on this visit, and it felt GREAT to be harvesting and eating all the stuff I'd planted from seed back in June and July--polebeans, bush beans, carrots, romaine and magenta lettuce, onions, beets, kohlrabi, acorn squash...

Cosmic purple, baby! (They're only purple on the outside though.)

The pumpkin patch is taking over.

Jericho romaine. (Don't you really want a salad now?)

This is kohlrabi, though you'd be forgiven for thinking it only grows on Mars.

...and I got to press apples for cider!  Gail and Paul are coming down for my launch party this weekend and they're bringing a gallon we made last week. HOORAY!


The Passage Assassin


Thank You